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Does Varithena Treatment Hurt?

Does Varithena Treatment Hurt?

Are you seeking an effective, minimally invasive treatment for your varicose veins? Learn about Varithena™, an effective procedure that doesn’t require incisions or wires underneath your skin.
Jul 23rd, 2024
5 Strategies to Relieve Your Varicose Vein Pain

5 Strategies to Relieve Your Varicose Vein Pain

You see large blue or purple varicose veins running down your legs. They’re not only unsightly; they can cause aching or burning pain. Check out five helpful strategies that can ease or eliminate the pain of varicose veins. 
Jun 19th, 2024
Do I Need to Fast Before an MRI?

Do I Need to Fast Before an MRI?

Do you have an MRI coming up? If you’ve never had an MRI before, you probably have many questions. Learn whether fasting is necessary before your scan.
May 14th, 2024
How Losing Weight Can Relieve Pressure on Your Leg Veins

How Losing Weight Can Relieve Pressure on Your Leg Veins

Varicose veins aren’t only a cosmetic problem; they can cause painful symptoms and on occasion, place you at risk of more serious conditions. What’s the relationship between your weight and varicose veins? Read on.
Mar 2nd, 2024

8 Problems That an MRI Can Detect

You’ve had some troubling symptoms and have been to the doctor. Perhaps your physician has referred you for an MRI. Learn about some of the health conditions an MRI can help reveal.
Jan 16th, 2024

Is it Possible to Prevent Varicose Veins?

When you look at your legs, do you see smooth skin — or skin with purple ridges from your knee to your ankle? Learn simple steps to help prevent varicose veins or stop them from becoming worse.
Dec 6th, 2023
What to Expect During Your eVox Brain Map Evaluation

What to Expect During Your eVox Brain Map Evaluation

New advances in medicine are helping doctors diagnose brain-based illnesses at earlier stages so treatment can be more effective. Learn more about how the eVox® Brain Map works as a diagnostic tool. 
Aug 2nd, 2023
Say Goodbye to Varicose Veins with EVLA: Here's What to Expect

Say Goodbye to Varicose Veins with EVLA: Here's What to Expect

Do you have unsightly varicose veins? You don’t have to live with them for the rest of your life. Endovenous laser ablation, or EVLA, is a state-of-the-art, minimally invasive procedure that means you can say goodbye to those problem veins.
Jun 2nd, 2023
Are Varicose Veins a Sign of Poor Circulation?

Are Varicose Veins a Sign of Poor Circulation?

You’ve had cold hands and feet for years, even when it’s not that cold outside or inside. Could this symptom of poor circulation be related to your varicose veins? Learn why problematic varicose veins need treatment.
Apr 3rd, 2023
 How to Prepare for Your MRI Scan

How to Prepare for Your MRI Scan

The MRI of today is different from the MRI of a decade ago. Advanced technology has shortened the exam and provided solutions for claustrophobic patients. If you’re referred for an MRI scan, here’s what you need to know.
Mar 10th, 2023
Treating Varicose Veins: Know Your Options

Treating Varicose Veins: Know Your Options

You have large rope-like varicose veins running down your legs. What’s the most effective treatment? Your options depend in part on where your varicose veins are located and how large they are.
Feb 13th, 2023
What Getting an MRI Scan Is Like

What Getting an MRI Scan Is Like

You’ve been referred for an MRI. You may have a vague idea of what it is, but you’re wondering exactly what it’s like. Learn the details about what happens during an MRI.
Jan 15th, 2023
What Conditions Can an MRI Scan Diagnose?

What Conditions Can an MRI Scan Diagnose?

You’re seeking medical help because your condition is beyond a cough or a cold. If your doctor needs additional information before making a definitive diagnosis, they may order an MRI. Learn how many conditions an MRI can help diagnose.
Dec 12th, 2022
When Do You Need an Autonomic Nervous System Test?

When Do You Need an Autonomic Nervous System Test?

Do you have some unexplained health symptoms? Perhaps it’s pain or numbness in your feet. It could be digestive, urinary, heart rate, or breathing problems. Learn about the diagnostic power of an autonomic nervous system test.
Oct 1st, 2022
A Closer Look at EVLA

A Closer Look at EVLA

When you put on your shorts, your bulging varicose veins really stand out. EVLA is an effective treatment for these unsightly veins. Learn how you can benefit from endovenous laser ablation.
Aug 1st, 2022
Are Varicose Veins a Health Threat?

Are Varicose Veins a Health Threat?

Is the skin on your legs marred by long varicose veins causing a bumpy, discolored surface? Do you miss your smooth skin? Varicose veins can impact your self-confidence, but are these veins more than a cosmetic problem?
Jul 1st, 2022
What Can a Brain MRI Reveal?

What Can a Brain MRI Reveal?

Your brain is the control center for your body. If you’re having unexplained physical symptoms, your doctor may order a brain MRI to help diagnose your condition.
Jun 1st, 2022
5 Tips for Reducing MRI Claustrophobia

5 Tips for Reducing MRI Claustrophobia

You’re scheduled for an MRI. You’ve heard that MRIs can make you feel claustrophobic, but you want to have the test to know what’s going on inside your body. It’s time to consider strategies to help reduce claustrophobic feelings.
May 1st, 2022
How Poor Blood Flow Affects Your Erections

How Poor Blood Flow Affects Your Erections

Proper blood flow through your body is critical for normal functioning, including sexual function. Poor blood flow can impede erections and cause erectile dysfunction. Learn about vascular disease and how it’s treated.
Feb 1st, 2022
Take These Steps to Stay Healthy After Sclerotherapy

Take These Steps to Stay Healthy After Sclerotherapy

Are you ready for sclerotherapy? If you’re finally on the road to eliminating those unsightly purple or blue varicose and/or spider veins with this minimally invasive treatment, learn about post-procedure protocol here.
Jan 3rd, 2022
When Is an MRI Scan Warranted?

When Is an MRI Scan Warranted?

If you have a condition that’s causing troubling symptoms, an MRI can help get to the root of your discomfort, whether it’s pain, numbness, muscle weakness, or something else.
Nov 19th, 2021

What are Varicose veins?

Varicose veins are a common condition caused by weak or damaged vein walls and valves. Varicose veins may form whenever blood pressure increases inside your veins.
Mar 24th, 2021