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Here's How to Prepare for Your Upcoming MRI

If you’ve been having some unexplained health symptoms and your doctor needs more information before cementing a diagnosis, you may be referred for a magnetic resonance imaging test (MRI). 

Our board-certified radiologists with REDI Diagnostics Corp in Elmwood Park, New Jersey, have performed thousands of MRIs. An MRI helps your doctor understand your condition and form a treatment plan. Following are tips on preparing for your procedure. 

Tell us if you have any metal in your body

An MRI uses magnets which can react to metal inside or on your body and compromise the MRI images. Before your imaging procedure, you’ll complete a questionnaire that asks questions about your health. 

Let us know if you have metal or electronic devices inside your body. The questionnaire also asks about tattoos on your body, because some inks include metal. 

Leave jewelry at home 

On the day of your procedure, please leave rings, earrings, and other jewelry that contains metal at home. We provide lockers, but it’s one less step if you don’t have to think about removing your jewelry. 

Don’t wear cosmetics 

Some cosmetics contain metals. Take a shower before you come, but don’t apply any cosmetics. 

Eat and drink normally

Unless we tell you otherwise, eat and drink normally and take your medications as usual before your procedure. You’ll be able to go to the bathroom shortly before your procedure. 

Wear comfortable clothing

Wear comfortable clothing to your MRI appointment. You’ll be asked to change into a hospital gown. We ask you to remove all clothing and accessories such as the following and leave them in a secure locker: 

If you have claustrophobia 

If you’re claustrophobic, you’re likely apprehensive about getting an MRI based on what you’ve heard from other people who’ve had them. Many MRI machines enclose you in a tube with an opening at the end. 

We use a different type of MRI machine. It’s a GE Healthcare 1.5 Tesla short and wide bore MRI system which is ideal if you’re claustrophobic. 

Wide bore MRI machines have a larger than normal opening compared to other MRI systems. Plus, they’re roomier; you have more space above you and beside you. In addition, the MRI machine is well-lit, so you’re not in a dark space, which could be scary. 

Finally, your MRI may not require your head to be in the tube so that you can see the room during your test. This greatly lessens feelings of claustrophobia. 

Our technician goes over the procedure with you before your test begins. Our staff helps you feel comfortable and secure. We give you earplugs to help drown out the noise of the MRI machine. We can also provide music you like that flows through the earbuds we give you. 

Many MRI tests last for about 25 minutes, but some can last up to 60 minutes. We explain how important it is to remain still during your test so that the machine produces high-quality images. 

Our radiologists read your MRI results promptly and provide a detailed report to your doctor so you can be on your way to better health. Call REDI Diagnostics Corp or book an appointment online today to schedule your MRI.

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